Every year hundreds of victims of recklessness are involved in driving with fog, often in colossal rear-end collisions, but also in road exits, impacts with trees, poles, roundabouts, reversal or highways.
Fog is a deadly enemy!
These critical conditions highlight the peculiarities of our innovative LaserAid systems: we have concrete solutions to avoid disasters, making dangers visible and increasing visibility.
Dense fog and heavy rain – costs
Road accidents cost 300 billion euros annually to the EU and 27,000 victims. Estimates made in the USA suggest that the costs of road accidents caused by adverse driving conditions amount to $ 217 billion, 43% of the total cost of road accidents and to date doesn’t exist effective solutions to avoid disaster.
LaserAid has a large social and economic impact in those geographic areas where atmospheric events often reduce the visibility, like fog, smoke, snow, and heavy rain.
We really believe that number of disaster and victims in vulnerable areas as well as social costs can be drastically reduced with the gradual introduction of LaserAid solutions.